May 14, 2012

Field Trip Checklist

Tomorrow is the BIG field trip of the year.  It's full of fun, a trip to the Sutter's Fort and the California History Museum.  It's a time to reflect, learn, and bond outside of the 4 walls of the classroom.

I've been starting to fill my backpack for the trip tomorrow.  For 9 years I have used the same red backpack for every field trip.  It started back when I took that first 6th grade class to Science Camp, and since it has room for everything I might possibly need, I just keep using it.  

This wonderful backpack has 4 pockets (and some extra random ones).  Here's how I fill it up.

Big pocket (in the back):
*My lunch (I also pack an extra sandwich for the student that forgot theirs)
*Big trash bag to sit on during the picnic lunch
*A class treat for lunch time (usually a package of Oreos)
*Package of baby wipes
*Extra water
*Plastic bag and package of kleenex for nose bleeds (yes, they have happened on the bus)
*Grading to do on the bus
*DVD to watch on the bus ride (yes, we are fancy like that)
*sometimes a light weight jacket/sweater, sometimes an extra pair of shoes (if it's a wet field trip), possible towel

2nd big pocket:
*Emergency forms/Permission Slips
*Class List
*Extra google map directions (in case the bus driver doesn't really know where to go)
*Phone numbers for Museums
*Children's Asthma Inhalers/Medication
*Container of sunscreen

Smaller pocket:
*My inhaler
*Advil (for the almost constant of the field trip day head-ache)

Front mesh pocket:
*Hand Sanitizer
*Travel Bandaid Kit

It really isn't as heavy as it seems.  I'm also not carrying everything, as I give out folders to my parent chaperones to take materials with them.  

What's in the chaperone folders?
*Group list
*Activity pages (for students to complete at the museums)
*Name tags
*Schedule for the day

Aren't field trips fun?  I can say that now, since tomorrow night I will be too exhausted to do much of anything except sit and do absolutely nothing (at least I can dream of doing nothing.)

Happy Traveling!

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