June 21, 2012

Boggle Game

Another summer project is complete!

Today I worked on my class' Boggle game.  Once again - same classroom, same amount of wall space... I wanted to have this game available for kids to play during our Daily 5 Word Work time, so I used a Tri-fold display board.  Just like the Homeworkopoly board, I want to be able to fold it up when it's not in use.  

This was my inspiration for the project.  I know some people have put it up on actual bulletin boards, others use auto drip pans for a huge magnetic board... so many options.  The link goes to the terrific blog (Create, Teach & Share) that has the student worksheet (bottom right corner), and also an alphabet set.  I was trying to avoid laminating letters, so instead I used 2 sets of alphabet flashcards from the dollar store.

Here's how I set it up:

Left side - Title - These are part of the letter set that Create, Teach & Share has as part of her Boggle board.

Display board - I divided the middle section into 16 sections - 4 x 4 rectangles, then used velcro on the back of clothespins to hang up the letters.  I was able to cut the velcro pieces in half to make them go farther.  Originally I was going to put the velcro on the back of the flashcards themselves, but thought that by using clothespins it would be easier to take the letters off/on at the end of the week.  

Right side - The top has the class directions, then the rules to the game, then how to score their words, and finally the student worksheet.

Use your dry erase marker and write the letters on the sheet protector of your game board.  All week try to think of words during Word Work time.  We will see who can figure out the longest word on Friday!

How to Play:
             The letters in the words must be connected in the same order in the grid.
             The letters can be connected by an edge or a corner.
             The word doesn't have to appear in a straight line. It can be tangled around.
             Each letter in the word must uniquely appear in the grid. For example, if the word is ERASE, the letter E must appear twice in the grid. The word can't just loop back and re-use the same E.
             Words must be at least 3 letters long
             Words cannot be a proper noun, such as a name or place.

Score Your Words
            Less than 3 letters= 0 pts (invalid boggle word)
            3 letters = 1 pt
            4 letters = 1 pt
            5 letters = 2 pts
            6 letters = 3 pts
            7 letters = 5 pts
            8 letters or more = 11 pts

Some other odds and ends:
*I copied a class set of the student worksheets, and these will go into sheet protectors in the students' binders for easy access.  That way they can just add to their lists as the week goes on.  
*I'm planning on having my class helpers change the letters on Friday.  When looking for the rules to the game, I found this website.  It not only had the directions and scoring that are above, but also has tons of printable boggle sheets that will actually form words.  I figure that I can print these out, create a binder that I can choose from, and then my helper students can change up the letters for me into the specific order that these experts know will create words.
Just so you know I just threw random letters up on the board as I tested the space plan - not a lot of words can be created from this set up.     

Well that's about it for this project.  After I took the picture, I put clear contact paper on top of the paperwork parts, and it is now ready to be used at school.  I love checking things off my to do list!

Hope you had a great day!



  1. Thanks so much for the great example and explanation! I am excited to try this in my classroom!

    1. Since I created this, I found that space wise it works better for me to just use a grid template that I have stuck onto my cabinet door. The kids still use the letters, etc - but I had a lack of space with the big board. Thanks for stopping by!


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