June 25, 2012

Updating My Clipboards

I know there are a lot of different ways to update clipboards.  I've seen the ideas on Pinterest and Classroom DIY.  My first idea was to use contact paper on the clipboards, but I know me and how I was when I was little.  I needed a solid color to focus if I was writing on something.  So I turned to spray paint. 
Here's how I tackled this project.

Materials: 3 blue cans of spray paint, 1 can of metallic, and then the basic drop cloth.  

First, I had a big plastic drop cloth that I put all the clipboards upside down on.  I spray painted the backs first.  It took the entire can to tackle the backs, and they still needed a little spritz of a second coat to finish it (2nd can).  The type of spray paint that I used dried very fast.  I only had to wait about 30 minutes between coats for them to be really dry.    

Then I flipped them over and I sprayed the front.  I didn't worry so much about the metal part, I just aimed a little closer to tackle the top part of the clipboard.  I had to do a 2nd coat as well - that put me onto my 3rd can of blue.

The last part was a spray on the metal part with the metallic spray.  I used a file folder, traced out a rectangle from the top part and cut it out.  That allowed me to put the file folder under the clip part and protect the blue color at the top part of the board from the metal color.  The metal paint was just a quick spray, and I didn't do a second coat.    
 I think they turned out so nice.  After using the same clipboards for 12 years, these look brand new.  No marker stains, no pencil marks, no doodles...  we'll see how long they last like this.  
Now, my neighbors have seen this project in my front yard basically all afternoon.  I had to do it in my front yard as my puppy probably wouldn't have been much of a helper.  The last thing I need is a blue dog.  I had quite a few people slow down as they drove by my house.  It might have been that they were looking at the boards, or they were admiring my now "smurf" looking hands.

It was an easy project, one that I won't think twice about tackling again if I ever want a different color.  

Happy Painting!


This has been linked to 4th Grade Frolics - so much more is happening over there.


  1. Hi Emily:) Love your clipboards! Great pic of them all spread out on the lawn!! Thanks for linking up and sharing:) Hope you can come back and share some more next week:) Don't forget to grab the button:))

    4th Grade Frolics

  2. I love your clipboards. Spray painting them is going to be much easier than modpodge and scrapbook paper. Thanks now this is on my to do list.
    Mrs. Shelton's Kindergarten

    1. I could never figure out written instructions without step-by-step pictures. I am going to try to do some your way and see if I can remove the clip part and putting it back together again after it is spray painted.

  3. Tara - I decided to link up when I was on my phone last night. I figured out how to grab it this morning on the "real" computer. =) It's there now with your link. Thanks!

  4. They look great! My clipboards are on my to-so list!

  5. Those turned out great! I used duct tape for my 3, but I'm waiting on getting a class set. Would love for you to stop by my blog sometime!

    I'm working on birthday items for next week's Monday Made It! Love how yours turned out!

    Success in Second Grade

    1. Thank you! I just finished my next project too. I got to use magnets, paint, ribbon, and a glue gun. :)

  6. Thanks for the encouragement ladies!

  7. Emily, what a magnificient idea. I just show your pictures to my husband and told him that would be his contribution to my classroom this year. To paint ALL my clipboards :)

    Thanks for sharing :)

    1. I want to think that my husband was jealous of all my time with the spray paint last week. He kept coming out to offer his suggestions. =) I should have left my box of clipboards in the backyard though to air out a bit, my garage now stinks!

      Thanks for coming over to visit!

  8. Thanks for this idea! I'm going to do this with my clipboards. The students do write on them after years and years of use. This is now on my to do list.
    Modern Kindergarten

    1. Thanks for stopping by! What color are you thinking for yours?

  9. What a great idea...and so much easier than mod podge & scrapbook paper. Thanks!! I can't wait to make them for my classroom and to match my theme :)


  10. Did you have any issues getting into the space that's "under" the clip? Did you get a ridge there?

  11. Did these chip after a bit? I want to do this, but I don't want them ending up gross and half flaked.

    1. It's been 2 years and they still look exactly like the above picture. Even with tossing them into the clipboard bucket.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I just found your website via Pinterest. I love the clipboard idea. How do you secure it to the bulletin board? I have a cork bulletin board and I am interested in using this idea to display student work.
    Thank you!

    1. We aren't allowed to drill into the wall, so I don't know how else you could hang them up. There might be ways mentioned on Pinterest though.

  14. Love these! I am going to spray mine with black chalkboard paint so I can write the students names on them with chalk and then erase and change as needed. I'm hoping to find a way to hang them on our cork strips outside the room to display student work, but don't know what will be sturdy enough to hang them out their with. Any suggestions? I will be using the flat clip top clipboards.

  15. After just one year, my boards are scribbled on so I'm anxious to paint them. I was thinking a darker blue or purple to discourage their doodling! I hadn't thought of painting the clip part but a good idea. Thanks!


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