September 12, 2012


I wanted to share a couple of websites that I have passed onto my parents.  These are FREE resources.  

First up is

There is SO much to do on there.  Sight word lists, comprehension by grade level, grammar sheets, spelling by grade level, dictation sentences, etc...  We just studied types of verbs today (I know, exciting stuff!) and I printed off a couple of sheets to add to my Word Work station tomorrow for review.

The next one is

All this time I have thought that Great Schools basically just had school ratings - but they don't!  They have a ton of resources - worksheets, articles, homework help all designed for parents.  I just found them tonight and have sent out an email to my student families passing on the information.  Even just the ADHD family checklist would come in handy for parents... just saying... as a parent it came in handy...

I'm almost to 250!  Thanks everyone for supporting the blog!  The giveaway is still happening - so enter if you haven't already!
Have a good night!


  1. Awesome resources, thanks for the heads up!


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