November 3, 2012

Thankful For and Currently Linkies

Storie is hosting a Thankful For Linky.  
There is so much to be thankful for, but I narrowed it down to the top ten.

1.  My husband:  He is SOOO wonderful.  We've been married for 10 years and I can honestly say life gets better every day together.  We started as friends way back when, then started dating, were engaged 5 months later, waited another 7 months to get married, and now it's been 10 1/2 years. He is my best friend.  I'm thankful for him because he really is my partner in every way - he shares the burdens & workload of home and raising our boys.  He helps with laundry, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, errands, etc.  
He thinks of his family first and he loves me even when I am being a brat.  

2.  My children:  All 3 of my boys are super special to me.  My oldest is a mini me - we think the same.  At 8 years old he is my bookworm.  I understand him pretty easily.  My middle son is my little helper.  Only he isn't so little anymore.  He is 6 years old and full of energy ALL THE TIME!  He is my little chef and animal lover.  My "baby" is now 2 years old and is my little lion.  He likes to roar and run.  We waited for him to walk and speak for so long - and he is finally now doing both.  Lately he has been working on saying, "I Wuv Mama."  His daddy has been working on it with him.

3.  My family:  I am blessed to have parents and a sister that loves me for who I am.  I don't have to be anyone that I'm not created to be.  I am blessed to have gained another set of parents and siblings when I married my sweetie.  Our family is close and likes to spend time together.  

4.  My friends:  They are a wonderful support system.  Isn't it nice as you look at your life to see people that met you throughout your journey?

5.  My Lord:  He is my everything.

6.  My class:  Yes, I give thanks for them even if they are giving me more gray hair this year than any other year in my teaching career.  I am learning how to be even more flexible through them.

7.  My coworkers:  It's nice to work someplace that you can consider your fellow colleagues as friends.

8.  My home:  We moved into this house 9 1/2 years ago.  We were newlyweds and it was just us.  The house used to seem huge.  "Used to" are the key words.  I'm thankful that it has provided a shelter for my family as we have grown in number and our babies have become larger.  Now if only we could get rid of some of the toys...

9.  The blogging community:  I have learned so much from all of you over the past months.  I know I am a better teacher because of it all.  Thank you.

10.  Pinterest:  Yes, I'm going to say it.  I'm thankful for Pinterest.  I'm thankful for the advice, ideas, crafts, recipes, etc.  

I'm also thankful for Farley for hosting Currently every month. :)
Oh' boy fourth grade

I think I have my first cold of the year.  At least I've been feeling this way since Thursday morning and I can't figure it out if it's the after effects of Halloween, or if it is kid germs that have infiltrated my body.  I had up to 4 kids absent at a time this past week, and 2 boxes of kleenex disappeared in a day at school - so I'm guessing on a cold.  Hot tea with honey for my aching throat is a winner in my book.  Once my lemon tree starts sharing it's fruit that will also be a welcome addition to the hot brew.

As for my music choice:
Product Details

I chose this music because it's a great transition piece.  I push play when they are dragging with putting their books away and getting out their next set of materials.  It seems to make them go faster.

My own boys love the song as well - it also works for them to empty out the dishwasher or clean up their toys at a decent speed (i.e. faster than a snail pace).

Hope you have a great day! 


  1. I just got over a cold that hung on for 2 weeks. Good Luck getting rid of it.

    room 4 imagination

  2. I just got over a cold that hung on for 2 weeks. Good Luck getting rid of it.

    room 4 imagination

    1. Thanks! It took a bit of time, but I'm feeling so much better.

  3. I hope you feel better soon! I'm sure your boys keep you busy! We have 3 boys. I can't wait to check out the song. Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. I sure hope you feel better soon! Drink a lot of tea with honey! I had a cold or sinus infection of some sort about a month ago and I couldn't speak for a week. I had to go out and buy more honey. :-)

    1. I love tea and honey, just wish my mug would keep it hot for longer periods of time at school...

  5. Thanks for linking up! I'm so glad you have such a supportive family - it really does make all the difference in the world. I need to get some grading done, too, but I think a nap is calling my name :)
    Stories by Storie

    1. Nap time is the best... it's not often though since I can't sleep at night when I do take one.

  6. Yuck-cold. I keep waiting for it to hit my house. It knocked my teaching partner on her behind for weeks!! Hope you feel better soon.

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

    1. Thanks! It took 2 1/2 weeks but I'm feeling great without meds now. :)

  7. Sorry you're feeling bad! I've been battling allergies's no fun! I found you through the Thankful Linky and am your newest follower. Stop over at my place if you get a chance!

    Spotted Around the School

  8. I keep hearing of more and more people getting sick. Yuck! Get well soon:) Your thankful linky post made me smile! Thank you for sharing and I will have to check out that linky.
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  9. Hey, I found you through the "currently." I'm totally with you on the idea of being thankful for Pinterest! I've found so many wonderful ideas to use in my classroom, as well as some great blogs to follow. I hope your cold goes away soon!

    The Lower Elementary Cottage

  10. Hope you're feeling better soon! Just discovered your blog and look forward to reading more!

    Teaching Maddeness
    PS - Check out my Weekend Wishlist Giveaway to win a monogrammed Grateful Bag!!

    1. I'm so behind on comments... congrats on 1,000 followers!


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a Have a great day!