December 5, 2012

Decorating the Classroom - Paper Chains and Division Task Cards

We are still decorating the classroom!  Yesterday and today we have been making paper chains.  Our class paper chain at present is stretching an entire wall.  The kids took at least 3 colored strips of paper and wrote their 3 top favorite books of all time.  We are going to add to the strand over the next week.  
The students also created their own paper chain.  We have started the Medicine unit for Reading (OCR) and the story has a 24 date timeline of medicine that is included.  Last year I got smart and instead of the kids writing it out (which took forever the year before), I typed it for them.  It's small font, but I managed to fit all 24 dates on 2 pages.  If you want them, even just for fun facts - they are available at my brand new store.  :)  

 Today I also went into my cupboard to pull out the holiday math games that I just prepped for a special game time tomorrow.  I found the double digit multiplication, place value, factors, and area cards from Tara.  

Holiday Hoopla Math Centers
I also found the number patterns and double digit multiplication from Farley... but somehow I guess I didn't prep up any long division task cards for my kiddos to review.  
Christmas Math Pack for Older Kids

So I made my own.  I'm not afraid of powerpoint anymore.  
Click below to take you to TPT. 

I have a preview available if you only want a small set of cards, and the larger set is enough to play scoot with my whole 32 kid class.  I even did the math for you and there is an answer key. 

Have a great night! 

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful idea!

    I do a paper chain activity at Christmas where the students make connections to the book they are reading. They write down their connections (text to text, text to self, and text to world) and then we connect them onto a long chain that reaches all around the classroom.

    I LOVE the idea of the students making individual chains for timelines or other projects - I'm adding it to my to-be-implemented-ASAP list!

    Thanks for sharing :)

    Joy in the Journey


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