January 12, 2013

My Desk (Linky)

Tori from Tori's Teacher Tips is having a linky party all about sharing what our desks look like.  Please don't think less of me after seeing my pictures...
Overview of my desk - as of 3:05pm on Friday afternoon.  It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be as it was test day. :)

Now onto the things that I use all the time:

My gigantic apple (it's a cookie jar) makes me smile.  I found it for $5 at a thrift store this past summer and I keep snacks inside for those moments that I have forgotten my lunch or am going to pass out because I'm so hungry.
These homework cards aren't usually on my desk - just on Fridays since we play Homeworkopoly with them.  
My push on light that I use to keep the children away when I'm working with individuals.  Since I'm usually working with one on ones during silent reading time when I have the lights off, the light is more easily to be seen.  I like that it's a visual reminder that I'm busy at the moment.  
I use my pull out drawers all the time.  I like that it's all organized and has stayed this way for 5 whole months.  The baskets at the top are for library cards and encouragement cards.  Books that kids have checked out from me go in one, the books that they have returned go in the other (just to keep track of what they are borrowing), and the other one has little cards that I write notes with.  Gotta love Vistaprint!

Go link up and let me see your desk!

Have a great Saturday. :)


  1. Oh my gosh-I'm so nosy. Going to check out this linky! Love the no questions light!

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

    1. I love the light too. Just wish my handwriting was neater on it. :)

  2. I'm going to look at your Vistaprint label, but I'm doing a Vistaprint linky right now and you should totally link up what you've made!

    Fifth in the Middle

  3. What a fun idea! I hope the linky party is still open next week. I will definitely be doing this one :) It's like getting to see in someone's refrigerator or something :) I love your apple cookie jar :) So cute!

  4. I love this idea! I just started my very first teacher job and I'm excited to see what everyone's desks look like!

  5. Oh my goodness, you cannot see my desk! Period! I need to get it organized!!! I love the pull-out drawers...think I am on my way to the store to purchase some. I am your newest follower, and I look forward to reading more of your blog!


    1. Thank you for stopping by! The drawers have been wonderful!

  6. I love your cute little desk! We are not even allowed to have desks, so I feel like I have stacks and piles all over the place, mostly on a bookcase. Not having a desk is a blessing and a curse.
    Do you have a link for your Homework cards, as I'm a new follower and I'm not sure what those are?


    1. Hello! The homework game isn't my own idea. Kristin over at Ladybug's Teacher Files created this Homeworkopoly game. Here is my blog post link that explains how I put it on a trifold display, and the link to her site is on it where you can get the playing cards. http://ilovemyclassroom.blogspot.com/2012/06/homeworkopoly-game.html
      On the back of her cards I put different prizes that don't cost me anything. The prizes I have (that the kids really enjoy) are switch seats for the day, sit on the ground for the lesson, take off your shoes during the test, have a piece of candy (peppermint or smarties) during the test, computer time (I have them do that during silent reading), or use a pen all day. With the game if the kids land on the homework spot they get a free homework pass, and if they land on a card spot they get to choose a card with a prize on the back. I think Kristin has it set up a little different, but I use all the cards for the different prize options.


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a noreply-comment@blogger.com). Have a great day!