March 8, 2013

Five for Friday

Five for Friday! Today I'm linking up again with Doodlebugs Teaching to share my 5 random things from this week.

Yes, random pictures that made my week...

1. This wall of my boys' faces make me smile every time I walk down the hallway.  I've had that sign (Thank Heaven for Little Boys) since my oldest was a tiny baby.  It was in the nursery, and then moved out to the hallway as we kept having boys... 

2. I finished Season 2 of Downton Abbey earlier this week.  I've been at a loss since I finished it.  Target was sold out of Season 3... :(

3. My big 3 year old's artwork.  Isn't it cute?  We hang up our kids' art work on our pantry doors.    

4. I made up some Rounding and Geometry Task Cards.  
This made me happy since it's been on my to do list for a while... and with test prep/review starting I really needed it done!
5. Tonight we are having my son's camping themed birthday party.  I made up the cake last night and am planning to post more pictures next week of the entire party.  

Hope you had a great week!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I keep hearing about Downtown Abbey! That might be on my spring break "to do" list! That cake is awesome. Love the camping theme:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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