March 26, 2013

Tried it Tuesday

Did you have a good day?

I did, though it hasn't been pleasant since I got home.  Putting out fires that the progress reports started when they went home.  Like I mentioned on FB, I don't know why it's such a shock every single time they go home.  All year long the grades have been posted on the online grading portal so families can check progress...and student work/assessments are sent home every Friday... There shouldn't be any surprises in week 30 of the school year!

Okay, okay... onto something that is working in my classroom!! 

I'm linking up with Holly for the first ever Tried it Tuesday Linky.  So what did I try?  I used my brand new task cards today and the kids did a great job with them.  

It's review, so it isn't the first time they have seen the material, but it was important for them to review what operation is completed first.  

We have officially started our afternoon math stations.  By the afternoon the kids are sick of sitting in their desks, and have this urge to talk.  So I make them talk about math.  I'm sad to say that Social Studies will be put on hiatus for the remainder of this week and the week after spring break... it's all about review before the BIG TEST!

Today our math stations included three 20 minute rotations:
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Station 1 was Order of Operations task cards.  The kids also used the Operation task cards from this set.  They worked by themselves and then had a partner check their answers.  Then when they completed everything, they had a chance to peek at the answer keys.  I love answer keys!
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Station 2 was using the Curriculum Associates curriculum to work through a couple of pages of practice test problems.  They worked with a partner and had to agree on an answer.  If their answers did not match up, they had to walk through the problem together to figure out where one of them went wrong.  Tomorrow morning we will go over those same problems whole class to figure out the problems.  

Station 3 was with me.  We reviewed fractions - specifically the skill of labeling a number line.  I used this freebie from TPT and we went together through it.  The art of counting at it's finest.  I sounded like a robot saying over and over again, "Now, what fraction does this 1 whole equal?"  That was the skill they messed up with the most on the practice test though, so it was important since it will transfer to the mixed number lines.
Okay, I'm done and ready to go read some blogs!  Have a good night!


  1. I added your order of operations task cards to my wish list! I just covered that concept before spring break. There were many students still struggling so it will need to be revisited after break! Thank you so much for linking up for my first linky:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  2. I love task cards! I'm always nervous about them using them right before testing, because I want to be sure they're practicing correctly.

    Good luck with getting ready for the big test!

  3. What wonderful ideas! We're reviewing fractions now (like crazy!). Thanks for sharing!

    Joy in the Journey


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