March 20, 2013

Workshop Wednesday - Graphic Organizers

I'm linking up with Jivey today to tell about Reading Graphic Organizers in my classroom.  I've shared these posters way back last summer after I made them for a Monday Made It...  They hang over my whiteboard.  The kids write it out on a piece of binder or copy paper, and then stick them into their binders.  Copy budgets are an issue, so it was important they could create it themselves since we use them every week.  

We preview the story on Mondays after we define our weekly vocabulary.  The kiddos just draw a simple 4 square on the back of their vocabulary words in their composition books and make connections as we go through it quickly.  

On Tuesdays, they take a piece of copy paper and draw the basic outline of the Story Map.  This works well for a fiction story... not too great for a nonfiction one though.  This version is free in my TPT store.  I gave each student one copy of this at the beginning of the school year, they keep it in a plastic sheet protector in their binders for easy reference when creating their own.  

I was thinking about the Story Map lately - wanting to change it up to work on more skills each week - more than just summarizing, so just last week I created this.

  It includes Making Connections, Predict, Asking Questions and then figuring out how to Clarify the issues.  It also has the basic Story Map that they enjoy drawing and a place to Visualize the story on the back of their paper.  Just something I'm thinking about for next year to add in more of the skills each week. I'm sure there is room for improvement though - any suggestions?  I just uploaded it to Google Docs at this point, since I'm sure there is something that I will want to add...  

Maybe it will help someone else though.  Enjoy!

Hope you had a great day!  Newest news with my mom is she is feeling a lot better and her sodium levels have gone up a point. She just needs to gain one more point until she is able to go home.  Thanks for praying!    


  1. I love this organizer! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm a new follower.
    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  2. Thanks for the freebie - I like the idea of hanging them in the room as a reference.

    I hear ya about the paper copying limits - my kids make a lot of their own charts and graphic organizers on loose leaf paper. Not as cute, but still gets the point across :)

    Praying for your mom - keep us posted!

    Joy in the Journey

  3. Emily, thanks for joining my site. I'm your newest follower and I'm loving this idea! I too am already thinking about next year and I've been looking for a graphic organizer for my students to use with their self selected texts. This one covers a lot of skills but wouldn't be overwhelming to my students. Thanks for sharing!



I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a Have a great day!