April 14, 2013

Math Mentor Texts: Whole-y Cow!!

I had to check the calendar when I started this post, making sure that I had the date right. Is it really only the second Sunday of the month? April already seems to be too busy... For some reason I was sure we were farther along.  Wishful thinking I guess...

Today I'm linking up with Collaboration Cuties with their Mentor Text Linky

Math Mentor Books...

To be honest, I haven't really used math picture books with my 4th graders. I am good when it comes to Reading, Grammar, Science, and Social Studies... but not Math.  Basically I'm looking forward to getting ideas.

So today I'm looking back at when I taught Second Grade.  I loved so many texts those years. One that I especially loved was Whole-y Cow! Fractions are Fun by Taryn Souders.

I enjoyed it because it helped create visuals for the beginning of our Fraction unit.  It is all about parts of a group and parts of a whole... There is a little cow and he is wandering around the farmyard asking questions, the readers need to answer the questions based on the illustrations.  Fun times. :)

Wholey Cow!  Fractions Are Fun
Now, I haven't done anything with this book for a while since I'm now with the big kids - but I did find a free Teacher's Guide by the author of different ideas to do with this book. 

So here's my little snippet:
Hope you had a great day!  So far my day has consisted of traveling to 2 different hospitals in 2 different towns to visit my mom and my grandma.  Mom fell last night, Grandma isn't doing well either.  Both don't want to be in their hospitals... both need to get better ASAP!  

As far as Sunday Store Update - I'm sorry that I haven't posted anything cute, or functional, or helpful over at my little stores this past week.  I'm just too busy... hoping life will slow down someday soon.  


  1. I have not heard of this book! I think you could still use it in 4th!!

    I am sorry to hear about your mom and grandma! I hope they get better soon!!

    Thank you for linking up!
    Collaboration Cuties

  2. I love this book! When I moved to Texas from Wisconsin, my dad thought I needed a gimmick, and so I became "The Cow Lady!" 21 years later, I have a gigantic "herd" of cows, everything from mugs to dresses...I couldn't get away from cows if I tried! So glad that you shared this book with everyone! I use it with my "fourthies!"

    While I was here, I became your newest follower!

    I'd love to have you swing my blog some time!


  3. This book looks great; it's new to us and we are getting ready to start teaching fractions. Thanks!
    Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  4. Looks like a great book! Just found your blog through Collaboration Cuties' mentor text link up and have become a follower! Will stop back to read your future posts...

    All the best--
    Sarah @ Hoots N' Hollers


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