April 22, 2013

My 3 Favorite Places

I'm linking up with Flying into First Grade tonight to share my favorite 3 places in my classroom.  These pictures are from a while ago - but it basically looks the same now.  :)

My classroom library is my first favorite. :)  I love how everything is color coded and labeled.

My Bucket Filler area is another favorite.  The kids write encouragement notes to each other, I proofread them, and then my helpers deliver them.   

I love my ELA wall.  I love having the strategies up and posted.  

Hope you had a great day!!


  1. Super cute pictures. I love the bucket fillers. I bet the kiddos love writing messages to each other!

  2. Could you possibly send me close-up pics of your ELA board?? I LOVE that, but it is difficult to tell what it says. . .Thanks!


  3. I'd love to read a post about your "Bucket" area - what you used to make it. NEAT!!!

  4. Thanks for sharing your classroom. Those buckets are a great idea. I'm so glad I found your blog. Thanks for letting us peek into your classroom.


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