April 7, 2013

Sunday Store Update: Project Time!

This past week I was focused on uploading projects that I have worked on with my students over the years.  Most of these were projects I did in my primary classroom.  Are you in shock?  I hardly ever discuss my primary years, but I did spend 6 out of my 13 years of teaching working with kids in grades K-3.  :)  
My 2nd graders learned about simple machines and the creation of sound.  I combined both of these into a culminating unit and they enjoyed it!  Students needed to create a parade float (no larger than a shoebox) that had to move in some way.  They also needed to create an instrument to play during the parade.  They had to draw their plan and label the difference parts that moved or created sound.  We then had a parade in the classroom.  This product contains the directions, sketch sheet, and grading rubric I used with my class.  

In Social Studies in my 2nd grade classroom we learned about our families (Ancestors).  Students had a choice to create a visual, picture timeline, or an interview with an ancestor.  I tied this project in with celebrating Grandparent's Day in the classroom, though it could be done anytime of the year.  The projects the kids bring in are amazing!  This product includes the complete directions, an interview sheet, and the grading rubric I used.  
In 2nd grade we also learned about different heroes that have affected our world.  At the culmination of the unit, I had my students choose a "hero" of their choice and they would research that person.  They dressed up as their person and presented in character.  Included in this product is the complete directions (3 different variations), the grading rubric, a planning sheet to use, and a list of heroes with a return slip of their top 3 choices.  
In 2nd grade my students learned about fossils in both our Science and our Reading texts.  In culmination of both of those units, they choose a dinosaur to learn more about.  I gave them a choice of 3 projects to complete - building a 3D dinosaur, making a poster filled with facts, or creating a diorama with both a dinosaur and setting.  The main idea was to get them up front and presenting in front of other kids, to chase away the shyness.  They enjoyed this project!  

I spoke a little about this product on Friday's post.  In my 4th grade classroom, I have my students use this project to create an experiment of their choice.  I have some choices of websites that guide them in a direction as well as science project books in the classroom.  Students use the 3 page directions with the specific steps to complete the experiment.  They must follow the Scientific Process.  I also added a 5 page Project Notes to the product, as it might help some students keep organized.  Included is also a Student Project Checklist with a detailed list of things to include on their project board, and a Teacher Grading Rubric. 

I love projects because learning should be fun.  As a parent I love having my boys do their own home projects - as I believe projects should be what the children are capable of creating themselves.  Projects should be fun and should allow students to be creative.

Do you want a copy of one of these?  Just leave a comment below with your email, letting me know which one you would like.  I'll choose 2 random comments tonight at 9pm PST and will email them out.  As usual, all the images are connected to TPT if you want to check them out. 

Have a great day!


  1. I love the Science Project! Each fall our kiddos have to participate in the Science Fair so this would be a great way to scaffold them! :)

    mahoopingarner (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. In the fall I use a unit that I have created around 911 called Every Day Heroes. I would love to include your project on heroes. Our school celebrates Grandparents in May with a special open house. Your grandparent project would really fit in with that. My second graders love projects and these sound awesome!!

  3. Thanks both of you for commenting. :) I will email as soon as I can get on the real computer. :) Carol-Ann I need your email please.

    1. Thanks so much for the packet! After looking through it, it is definitely going to be perfect for the science fair in the fall! Thanks so much. :)


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a noreply-comment@blogger.com). Have a great day!