May 3, 2013

Five for Friday

Today I'm linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching to share 5 random 
things about this week.  

1.  Testing is DONE!  I know I said that the other day, but of course something else came up and there was more to do... ugh!  Counting and more counting, and recounting, and bundling, and more recounting, and checking numbers vs. numbers vs. numbers, and finally boxing... the back room of the library is back to looking the way it was meant to be (well other than all of the consumables for next year that was stuck in there with all the 50 million testing boxes).  :)  My job as testing coordinator is really DONE!!  (I will most likely sign up again in August when we do adjunct lists... my testing buddies like me too much to let me go...) 

2.  Open House Paper Overload!
"On Cloud Nine" Idiom Art Activity
We have tackled a ton of projects this week.  I think the walls are now basically done.  What we did today (Friday) was work on this neat craft I found over at The Peanut Gallery.  There is a girl and a boy template, as well as a huge list of different idioms for the kiddos to choose from.  I had my kids choose 10 different idioms to place on their person, and they had to label it.  It's the newest bulletin board in my classroom.

3.  Carnival Time
This week was a long one - between the Volunteer Tea this past Monday, then counting tests on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday - and then today our school hosted the annual carnival.  It's amazing what leadership and PTO put together.  PTO is in charge of the food, auction, vendors, raffle baskets (each grade level collects donations), etc.  Leadership organizes each grade level with 2 different games to manage, this year complete with a Chuck E. Cheese style prize system.  It ran so smoothly.  Our grade level booths were running soccer (score a goal and get a ticket), and Plinko (get between 2-10 tickets per turn).  We went through a ton of tickets.  It was just hot, and sweaty, and fun, and tiring.  At least it wasn't windy and my allergy medicine was working.  

4.  My student's presented their Who's Who Book Reports on Tuesday.
I'll have to take some pictures of it next week.  I forgot, sorry.  Basically the point was they got to choose a person they wanted to learn more about  - way back before Spring Break.  They read a biography about that person and gleaned (yes, big word) facts about that person, filling in specific information on a 1 page document.  The last part of the project was taking what they learned about the person and creating a puppet that resembled them - having specific details.  My students presented on Tuesday, and while they presented the rest of the class was making a fun fact sheet to remember key details.  It was fun!

5.  I made up some new stuff this past week for the store.  :)

My newest things are my Fiesta Centers 
(I changed my idea to celebrate Cinco De Mayo to Monday - today was just going to be too jam packed already.)
Also made up some different Baseball Centers for another fun review day at school,

and then started thinking about my soon to happen birthday and made up a cupcake themed Birthday Pack.  I want to change some things up next year, and I want to be able to prep it before summer starts.  :)    

I'm going to soon be 35!?!  How did that happen?  Well - keep an eye out because I love to celebrate my birthday.  This year will be my first official one in Blogville and on TPT and on FB as a page - so I'm thinking that a sale and/or giveaway should happen...  I started celebrating tonight already by hosting my very first birthday party game.  15 fans over on FB participated and won the Birthday Pack.  :)  Take home prizes are a must for a birthday... don't you agree?     
Have a wonderful evening and a blessed morning tomorrow.  This is definitely a TGIF!


  1. Wow - glad your long days of testing are over! You must be so relieved.

    I LOVE idioms and definitely need to check out that packet - it looks fun!

    A carnival sounds awesome - I'll bet your kids enjoyed it! It's astounding how much work a PTA does - I'm so impressed by their willingness to work and serve the school community.

    Ohh I'll be on the lookout for your birthday celebration - Happy Early Birthday!

    Joy in the Journey

  2. Love idioms too!!! That looks great!


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