May 21, 2013

Hose Down - Tried It Tuesday!

Today was the Hose Down at school.  It's become an annual thing that I love!  It's a chance for our 4th graders to run around for an hour in the "rain", play, become exhausted, and then collapse afterward.  Their true silly spirits come shining through.
My friend "K" took the above picture :)  Look at the beautiful weather we had!

The firemen come with their big truck and their big hoses.  They squirt the kids from the top of the firetruck.  It can easily cover the entire field.  We get parents to sign a permission slip since their children will be soaked from head to foot... and kids have to remember to pack an entire change of clothes and towel and extra shoes... if they don't have one of those things then they don't get to participate.   

Then they let teachers that want a turn squirting the kids to suit up in the hat and the jacket to use the smaller hose.  Past years I have been out there having fun... today, I was holding glasses and helping kids find towels, etc.  It was still neat to be a part of.  

Anyhow - something that we have "tried" over and over again.  Linking up with Holly!  :)

Hope you had a great day!  Tomorrow is our BIG field trip!


  1. That looks like so much fun! What a great way to end the year.

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  2. What a fantastic end of the year activity!!

  3. Haha that's really cute! We could have used the hoses today in Texas!

    Literacy Spark

  4. What an amazing idea! I totally want to do this! I'm tempted to call up our local fire department tomorrow :) haha I love it! Thanks for sharing :)


  5. That top picture is incredible. Not a single cloud and it's so blue. What a cool day.

    Digital: Divide & Conquer

  6. Oh my gosh! What a fun day! I want to do that!!!!

    Collaboration Cuties

  7. This is so awesome!! I wish our school could do this!
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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