June 24, 2013

Monday Made It - Redoing magnet numbers

It's Monday!!!  Link up time with Tara to show you what craftiness I've been at lately.  

Remember this from last summer?  If you can't figure it out, it's my hall pass magnet thing.
C is for Classroom, M is Music, O is Office, and B is Bathroom.  

Well I loved it this past year - I loved the idea of magnets, of the clips, of it all... what I didn't love was the glass marbles being all the same color... hard to find specific numbers quickly (if the kids didn't put them back in order).  So I changed it up.  

Picked up a package of wooden stars and small magnets.  Everything else (like the paint colors I already had from past projects).  My paint colors are Apple Tart and Pool Blue.  I <3 them!  

I painted half the stars each color - since half of them are going to be for the even numbers, and the other half for the odd classroom numbers.  

I still need to hot glue the magnets onto the back of them, but that can wait since I guess I left my hot glue gun locked up in my classroom cabinet... I know, I know - WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!  August 1st will be here soon enough though. :(  

Easy little fix to make it work better this next year.  :)  

As for my old numbers - I'm still planning on using them on my whiteboard 
for class needs since they work and are super strong.

Have a great day! 


  1. This is a fabulous idea! I love your colors and how you tweaked it so students will be able to find their magnets easier. Very clever!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  2. I missed your post about your hall pass system so I'm glad you shared your new system. I like that it will be easy to see where everyone is. Great idea!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  3. I wasn't sure how people were making the custom magnets. I need to spend more time at the the craft store:) Thank you!

  4. Love your post! Your blog is amazing. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
    Preschool Wonders

  5. Magnet numbers are on my summer to do list! Yours turned out great!

    Success in Second Grade

  6. What a great idea! I have so many kids coming and going throughout the day that I think my classroom has a revolving door. I need to make your hall pass magnet to keep up with all my kiddos.

    BTW, I ADORE your blog design!

    Hooty's Homeroom

  7. I love these magnet boards - it is on my summer to do list. I love the idea of using the wooden pieces in two different colors.

  8. Those little stars will be so cute, and easy to grab. Right now I just have nametags that they move on a tiny pocket chart, but they tend to go missing! Love this idea - thanks for showing the step by step!
    Whimsy Workshop 


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