July 3, 2013

5 New Products :)

I feel like I'm getting so much accomplished this month (already) in terms for next year.  I wasn't motivated to do much of anything during June, and then July hit and I had the urge to finish up some items in my Summer To Make Folder.

So between yesterday and this morning there are 5 new things in my TPT store.  Maybe you have seen them already on Pinterest, Instagram, or on Facebook.  I was so excited that I just kept clicking the share button.  :)  

First up I had picked up the fantastic dice clip art from Ashley Hughes.  When I saw them I automatically thought they were the going to make my dice headaches go away.  I made up manipulative cards, printed them out, and they are now ready to laminate.  Each kiddo is going to get a plastic bag with 12 little pieces (2 die).  Instead of rolling, throwing, clinking, etc... they just get to draw 2 pieces from their bag - same concept, less headaches.  

Then I started thinking of making up some task cards and the following 2 products were born:  Addition and Multiplication review cards using dice to practice math facts.  

Both of these sets have the manipulatives included as part of the preview files.

At the beginning of every year my students make up a California ABC book.  This year I wanted to make it cute (instead of it being inside a spiral notebook).  So I typed up the vocabulary found in the 4th grade California Social Studies curriculum.  My kiddos can add definitions and images to the words as we learn throughout the year.

Since I love it when things match, I also made up a blank ABC book with matching subject covers.  This will also fold into a half sheet mini books.  :)  

Finally I did a little light reading this week, got some laughs, and finished up my Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Activity cards.  These are the same format as my Chocolate Touch ones - having kids use higher level thinking skills to answer questions from the text.  This is my first read aloud of the year, and I needed to get these laminated.  

So that's what's new with me.  All these things that I recently posted are included in my TPT sale (it runs through tomorrow).  Click any of the above images to go check them out.  :)

Have a great day!


  1. First off, I must say your blog is incredible! Secondly, I love the idea of the ABC books and recording words with definitions and pictures! It kind of reminds me of their own personal word walls with things to help them remember the word. Great idea! I'm your newest follower :)

    Grooving Through Fourth Grade


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