July 22, 2013

Back to School Night Packet - Want to see mine?

Tonight I decided to take the plunge and staple my Back to School Night packet.  Yes, it's been approved - I take care of that business back in May before we even leave for summer.  It's even been copied before school even got out.  Anyway, while I was doing the tedious task (all this paperwork isn't really fun), I posted a picture of it over on Instagram and some teachers posted that they would like to see it.  

So here it is.  The formatting is off since I had to take it from a PDF and copy/paste it into a powerpoint to be able to turn it into an image... and I had to take out the specific contact information... but there was no way I was going to retype it all.  :)  I love you all, but seriously not going to retype all of this...  

In the packet it turns out to be 4 pages long - but to make it large enough for you to read, on here it's 6 pages. :)  Please know that in my parent/student copy I have things in bold, underlined, and italicized.  They can't miss the big things!

The whole 1 hour for a 4th grader is dictated by my district.  20 minutes of reading, plus the nightly stuff is supposed to equal an hour.

Basically everything is the same as it normally is... though I did decide this next year to give the kids the opportunity to "move up" with their behavior.  Coming from last year I also decided to make up an understanding page.  Usually I have a little note that parents and students sign that says they went over the packet at home... this year I want it all spelled out.  I want something on file that shows me that parents know about the online grading system - that they know they can see their child's grades at any moment of the day/night/weekend... etc.

This next year I'm all about working smarter NOT harder - not going to be doing a separate behavior log in their folders - not having a separate Friday folder at all - simplifying and recording right where the kids take home the work.  All this because this year I'm in charge of their supplies... I am giving them exactly what they need in the format that gives me the least amount of headaches.

Anyway - that's it for my BTSN packet.  :)  I just need to update my powerpoint and I'll get that out to share too!


  1. Is there anyway I could get an editable version of this? I love it!!!


  2. Great ideas!!
    Would love an editable version also, if possible?

  3. Thank you for sharing! I do something similar but you provided so much good information! I'm going to go edit my own packet!

  4. This is great! Thanks for sharing!!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing! This has helped me as a newbie get some ideas for mine. I really appreciate it :)

  6. Thanks for sharing, I love how you have specific things they have to initial!

    Grooving Through Fourth Grade


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