July 2, 2013

Going on a Blog Hunt {Blog Hop}

Yay, you are still reading this little ol' blog of mine.  :)  Laura Candler over at Corkboard Connections is hosting a blog hop to help readers find other elementary school blogs.  I want to join in on the party too! 

Now I personally signed up for Bloglovin' and I really do like the set up (especially when I'm reading on my phone).  I like to be able to remember a blog post by just clicking the "heart" shape.  It keeps things nice and organized.  If you are new to visiting me, just look to the right where it says, Follow via Bloglovin'.  The button is over there.  :)  

  When I'm on the "real" computer though I read my blog feed through Blogger.com.  Honestly I didn't know what was going to happen when Google Reader went away (since I thought it just imported from Google), so I was nervous checking in yesterday morning.  It's still there though, so I'm still reading it.  :) On the real computer I tend to pin things to remember specific posts.  You might have noticed... 

Anywhoo... check below at the list of blogs participating in this blog hop and see if there is someone else that you want to get to know better.  

Have a great day!  

1 comment:

  1. I am a big fan of bloglovin too! The heart button is my best friend ... and I actually prefer it to blogger even on the computer, especially because then what I've read transfers over to my phone so I don't have to re-sort through all of "unread" articles. Anyway, I recently stumbled upon your blog while reading some others on a linky party (I think it might've been Farley's but I'm not sure anymore), and I really like it. Thanks for the great entries! :)



I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a noreply-comment@blogger.com). Have a great day!