July 29, 2013

Monday Made It - First Day in the Classroom

Linking up with Tara to share what I accomplished today.  I've already shared a bunch lately about all the projects I've tackled... so here's what I did in my classroom on the first day back.  

First, some before pictures... I did get some bulletin boards started on that last day of school before I checked out.  It was sweet relief walking in being reminded of everything that was done.  

This was about halfway through the day - everything unloaded from storage, desks and furniture arranged, my new blue storage bins unloaded and things starting to be put away - every surface is still covered...

Then, here's how it looked when I left today.  My husband and boys helped bring all the stuff in, and then they left so I could think straight.  

It took me 14 years to figure out to put wide ribbon on the base of all my bulletin boards.  I let the kids sit on the ground a lot, so the paper borders never hold up.  I hold everything in place with pushpins until it's staple time.  

I put up the goals and bucket fillers under the whiteboard, and put border around the board.  It's not done yet...
I hung new fabric on this wall, and then separated out all the different notebooks vs texts against the wall.  I now have a big carpet space going into this next year.

I changed up my word wall to this bulletin board.  I think I'm going to add some clothespins on the tops of the pendants...
This was my Scholastic Bonus Point purchase last year - Super Hero Parts of speech.  
Thought clouds come from Tonya's Treats for Teachers.

Last year I used those red Silo cups to hold Marzano's Thought Clouds - this year I picked up some metal buckets from Target's Dollar Spot.  Definitely more sturdy.

Daily 5 and Math Rotations come from 4th Grade Frolics.
On my big black metal thing, I hung up a pocket chart and stuck both the rotations for Daily 5 and Math.

My behavior chart is ready to go - up and down
This is also from 4th Grade Frolics.
 Comprehension Levels are above the whiteboard now too.
Ladybug's Teacher Files VOICES bulletin board set.
Finally, I reworked my Voices board... still have more to add to this board though.   

Well, that took about 5 hours non stop....

More on tap for tomorrow, my parents are taking the boys all day to visit them... so I have the whole day to keep on working.  My goal is to get as much done these couple of days so I can sit back and breathe those 2 days before meetings start next week.  Check back in to see what got finished!


  1. Your room looks awesome! I spent 5+ hours in mine today, too. Felt good to get some things accomplished :)

    Fluent in Fourth

  2. Emily,

    Looking good!! I've been spending some time in my room as well, hoping to get it all set up so I can take a week (or two) off before I actually report! That means I have to finish up this week! Eeeck!

    Teaching Little Miracles

  3. Looking good! Isn't it amazing how long it takes?! Heading up for my first work day sometime this week, I think...can't wait... :/ LOL!

    Teach On.

  4. Awesome work, Emily! It's coming together very nicely :)
    I have that border you have along the top of your walls too - it's one of my favorites :)

    Tell me about your VOICES board - what do you use it for? what do each of the letters stand for?

    Joy in the Journey

  5. Wow! You got a lot accomplished. Your room is looking great!

    Thank you for sharing.


  6. Your classroom looks HUGE! I must know the measurements! haha
    You got a lot done! When do you go back?
    Head Over Heels For Teaching


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