August 9, 2013

Back to School Blogger Exchange and P.D.

I participated in this wonderful Back to School Goodie Exchange  hosted by Adventures of Ms. Smith and Covered in Glitter and Glue.  

Getting mail is so much fun - at least when it's not bills...  I'm thankful to Melissa at A Teaspoon of Teaching for being my partner.  She totally surprised me with personalized goodies from Crafty Addictions.  :)

She gave me a bookmark and a set of bottle cap magnets.  They are totally me!!  
Thanks so much Melissa.  :)  

Hope everyone had a wonderful week.  I'm so tired.  3 days of meetings and trying to finish up my room.. kids come bright and early Monday morning.  I don't know what exciting tidbits to share to sum up the past 3 days of my life - I've learned about Common Core Math, Blood Born Pathogens, Power Poses, Soft Skills, Teaching Practices in the Common Core, Sexual Harassment, new online gradebook, etc.  Exciting times... so exciting that I came home from the classroom today and promptly fell asleep.  That might be due to not being able to sleep last night though.  Instead of counting sheep I started trying to remember my new schedule... got up to math before I konked out.  
Better go finish up some projects - cutting, laminating, painting, planning...  just the fun Friday night activities.  :)  


  1. Those clips are so cute! :) I'm so glad I came across your adorable blog! :)
    Just Keep Teaching

  2. I need those magnets! SO CUTE!

    Thanks so much for participating and linking up! =)
    Ms. Smith
    Adventures of Ms. Smith

  3. I guarantee I will be fast asleep at promptly 3 p.m. the first day of school...probably every day after that for the first few weeks. I am a better teacher because I nap. LOL! I hope I don't have to learn about Blood Born Pathogens in my pre-school planning. :/
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  4. Glad you like the treats. I loved getting my cute stuff from you in the mail. I'm thinking we need to do that all year. I'll need to post pics on my blog this weekend! Thanks so much!

  5. What a great idea! What thoughtful gifts! So glad I found your adorable blog as well! Looking forward to sharing ideas!

    The Second Grade Superkids

  6. Those are precious. How sweet of her to pick out something your really love!

    room 4 imagination


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a Have a great day!