August 1, 2013

Currently August

Hi everyone!  I'm linking up with Farley today for August Currently.  It's pretty much all self explanatory - and I seriously need that shower... but of course I wanted to link up before I get to running around again crazy like. 

Went to school again this morning - logged another 3 1/2 hours... total so far this week is 15.5 at school.  Almost done...  still more to do though.  I brought my oldest 2 with me this morning and they were helpers - for the most part.  :)  At least now they pretty much understand the drill  - do what mommy says and stay out of her way when she's running around the classroom.  

I forgot to take pictures though, so you'll see what I did tomorrow.  

Okay, okay - better get going!  Talk more later.  :)  


  1. Hello! I am so jealous that you can get into your classroom and work. We have summer camps in our rooms throughout the summer. It sounds like you are ready to go though! Have a great back to school! ~Maris

  2. I wish I have had the motivation this week to log over 15 hours in classroom prep. No such luck here! I am hoping to spend Monday and Tuesday in the classroom. Isn't it amazing how dirty things get in the summer?

    The Math Maniac

  3. I wish I have had the motivation this week to log over 15 hours in classroom prep. No such luck here! I am hoping to spend Monday and Tuesday in the classroom. Isn't it amazing how dirty things get in the summer?

    The Math Maniac

  4. I've finally been able to get into my room this week. I think I've only succeeded in turning it into a HUGE mess. :)

  5. I am going into my room on Monday. Hopefully I can get a lot done. It's nice that your oldest two are able to help!
    Fun in ECSE


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