September 9, 2013

Inspirational Message

Today was our district's Welcome Back Assembly.  We started school 5 weeks ago, but this afternoon instead of our staff meeting the entire school district staff met at the high school for an inspirational speaker.  

He was good.  

Photo taken from Manny Scott's website. 

His name is Manny Scott and he is one of the original Freedom Writers.  He told his story - we laughed, we teared up, and we left with the message that what we are doing is important...

That even the smallest thing matters.  

Have you heard him speak?  Pretty amazing.

Here's his website, there are teacher/student/district resources.  

Hope you have a good day!  

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I bet that was really inspirational! I'm glad he's found some success from that situation as well.



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