October 21, 2013

Explorer Folder {Revisited}

2 weeks ago we finished our explorer unit.  I know, I know... I've been running behind with taking pictures.  This week I'm going to try and play catch up with all the fun activities we have been doing.  

Now, this is going to be mainly pictures today... I got home not too long ago after having 23 parent & teacher conferences all... day... long... today... My brain is fried and I'm tired of talking.... but I really want to share this year's explorer folders with you.  

 I usually have made their explorer books out of construction paper, this year though has been all about file folders. 

Their folders include notes comparing and contrasting the explorers,

a paragraph about each explorer,

timelines of the men,

a map of CA with the 3 routes colored in,

and portraits of the men that we created as a guided draw.

I used many pages from my Explorer pack.

It was a great learning activity, one the kids enjoyed.

Have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I have 23 conferences, but they are spread out through this week.


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