October 24, 2013

Science Dioramas {Revisited}

Sometimes I'm amazed at the amount of stuff we accomplish throughout the week... Even though at times it feels like herding goats.

Science dioramas

Last week was the culmination of our ecosystem unit. The Friday before the kids took Kleenex boxes and painted the inside, creating a setting/background of for whatever ecosystem they wanted to create.

Then last week they took index cards to make pop up animals and plants to add to their boxes.   I use index cards since we have a ton of them in the classroom and they need some type of cardstock/thicker paper to make the figures stand up.  Last year we used shoe boxes but the Kleenex ones were smaller. Liked the smaller aspect for trying to hang them.

After they were done designing/decorating they had to list the different predators, prey, consumers, producers, living, and non living organisms they added to their boxes.

Last year I had them write all over their boxes, but this year I simplified it since they wrote all that other information on their ecosystem interactive folders.  


  1. These are GREAT! How fun! Each and every one is so different. I think I would like to do this with my students for sure when we work on ecosystems! Thanks for the idea and visuals!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. How did you hang them? These are awesome.


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