November 1, 2013

I Am Thankful

It's November!  

Time to remember all the things I'm thankful for... I started writing up a Five for Friday and realized my 5 things were all complaints and downers - October was once again a very busy month... so I scratched it and decided an intervention was in order.... for myself!  

So here are five things I'm thankful for.  Linking up with Doodle Bugs to share!


I'm thankful for my family.
I love my crazy boys with their never-ending amounts of energy.  

I'm thankful for my friends.  I'm blessed!

I'm thankful for my students and the opportunity to do what I love.  

It's always nice to feel appreciated too.  :)  
I'm thankful for my home, even when it's messy.
{Yeah - not going to show you a picture of it at the moment...}

I'm thankful for my boys' buckets of candy.  
Sometimes you just need a little chocolate fix.  :)  

Have a wonderful weekend!  We get that extra hour!!  :)    


  1. It's hard to remember the good things in our crazy times. :) November's here though - which means December is right around the corner! The holidays always help brighten my spirit (while also increasing the craziness in my classroom).

    - Pam @ Moments to Teach

  2. Aw I love that you did a thankful post. Not that we are only thankful in the month of official "thanks" but it is a nice reminder of all that we have to be thankful for. And I am most definitely agreeing with the being thankful for the buckets of candy :P

    Teaching with Hope 

  3. A thankful Five for Friday is perfect! Enjoyed seeing your whole family carving pumpkins. My boys are in their 20's and I miss those days! Happy weekend!


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