November 12, 2013

Tried it Tuesday and Helpful Hints

Linking up with Holly and Blog Hoppin to share 5 helpful hints for school that I have tried.
 Some of these pictures you might remember from the beginning of the year… or even last year - that's because they work and I want to shout it from the rooftops!

#1 Bulletin Boards
It's easy to keep track of who turned in what when you have a backing for each child on a student work bulletin board.  I have my class in alpha order (which happens to be the same as number order).  This bulletin board changes on a weekly basis, and usually the kids put up their own work (if they can reach).  By having it as numbers I can instantly tell who still is working on it.  

#2 Team Points
Kids love competition.  This year I'm inviting the monthly winning team into the classroom for a special lunch.  Motivation is high.  Why did I switch from tally marks on the board to a plastic cup using glass gems?  The sound it makes on the metal whiteboard tray, plus there isn't a team that gives up since they can't see the exact score until we do the official count up.

#3 Class Magnets
Those little apples on my board are magnets with student numbers written on them.  It makes it so easy for students to move their number over when they are finished with the activity.

#4 Taking the time to organize - Supply Organization
Remember this picture?  Years and years of not being a neat freak made me go nuts - I'd always dreamed of this type of classroom - with everything in its place and labeled, and now I get to go there every day (and I don't have to be embarrassed if a sub opens up the doors).  

#5 Center Organization
These are mainly all math (above) and below are task cards/activities broken up by standards (tall drawers), and ELA centers (small)

Yes, it means that my back wall is filled with drawer after drawer of storage - but I don't care!  I love the extra "counter" it provides too.  
Have you seen this graphic floating around? There is a new collaborative blog starting up and we are looking for a name... Can you help? There are prizes involved if your idea is chosen. Just leave a comment below by Saturday night and I'll turn it in at the business meeting. 

I hope something helped you!  Have a great day.  :)


  1. WHOA....SO organized! It makes my heart do a little pitter patter of appreciation! My kids are constantly tearing my closet up, but I just have them organize it again. I think I've told you before that I love your student work board. I have something similar and you're right, it's easy to take a glance up there to see who is missing something.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. Love your student work bulletin board! And you are so right about the sound helping to motivate kids. I have been using ClassDojo for a few weeks, and when you give a student a positive point, it makes a little ding sound. You should see how quickly that little sound gets kids quiet, reading, following directions, whatever!
    Forever in Fifth Grade

  3. Oh my!! Your organization is amazing! I need to label my drawers with center materials. Do you change out the labels? I was hoping to find a plastic sleeve or something that I could slide a card in and out of as the centers change. When they are not in use, I store center materials in my file cabinet. I can't wait to check out the new collaborative blog!
    Fourth Grade Flipper


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a Have a great day!