January 2, 2014

Blogging Resolutions

Do you make resolutions every year?  Yesterday I was driving home from Legoland, and as there isn't much to look at outside the window, I was thinking about my goals for this coming year.  Personal, Family, School, Blogging - I'm pretty happy with my life.  Of course there are some things that I want to tweak, but overall I am a happy camper.  Linking this up with Diane over at Fifth in the Middle for her Blogging Resolution Party.    

As for the blog, here's what I hope will happen:   

I do love to connect with others, and this past year I feel like I have made some really great friends through here.  I don't feel so alone in the teaching world.  I have gathered so many ideas from you, and they are working great in my classroom.  I have also learned that I can't do everything!  There was one year that I tried to do every single activity in my classroom ideas board at Pinterest.  I felt like I was going nuts being so creative!!!  I need to pick and choose and let go… (or should I say "Le-go"? - Yep, a corny joke I heard over and over the past couple of days.)

Here's how you can find me:

Blog - classroom ideas, what's working, product info (what I'm using from others and what's working from me), giveaways, linky parties, etc.

Pinterest - tons of ideas… I need to remember to pin my own blog stuff more, and pin from other blogs… (I kind of stopped doing that when I switched to Bloglovin since I could just "like" the post.. need to get back to pinning.)  

Facebook  - I love how I can connect with others over there.  I love the instant connections.  That's where I mainly share Flash Freebies.

Instagram - I've become addicted to sharing my own classroom moments and family photos.

TPT/TN - That's pretty explanatory.  I need to remember to write more emails to let followers know what's new in the store.  As for TN, well I keep forgetting to update the store… something else to add to the to do list.  

Overall - THANK YOU for this past year, THANK YOU for reading this little blog, THANK YOU for your continued support.  :)  

Have a great day!  


  1. These are great, Emily! I especially connected with not worrying about the numbers and being reminded that we do something worthwhile everyday. Thanks for linking up!

  2. Emily, please let me know if you figure out how to comment/reply on a phone or iPad. It is very frustrating for me too - especially when I am on a trip without my laptop! Have a very happy new year!
    Grade 4 Buzz

  3. I hope you had a great time in Le-go-land. I used to be really bad about wanting to try everything I pinned. Then I realized that it didn't all have to be cute and creative every second of every day. I've learned to find a balance and it feels really good! Happy New Year!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  4. Looks like you have some wonderful resolutions! I'm with you on creating new products. My little store doesn't have much, but I really want to change that this year! Happy New Year!
    Keep Calm and Hoot On


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a noreply-comment@blogger.com). Have a great day!