January 10, 2014

Five for Friday!

5 for Friday!  What a week!  Linking up with Doodlebugs.  :)    


Christmas came into the classroom again!  I ordered a class set of I Am Helen Keller from Scholastic over break, and they came!  A big box just for me!!! These books will be added into my read aloud collection during our communication unit. :)  It's the little things people...


We read Snowflake Bentley today and I decided to make snowflake similes with them.

We brainstormed different ways the author described the snowflakes - unique, fragile, and light… and from there the kids had to be creative.  I typed up this half page note to make their writing pop!  The snowflakes I picked up at Target's Christmas clearance for 70% off - only 30 cents for a pack of 10.  I even picked up enough for next year too.  :)  

The students were able to decorate their snowflakes with glue, and I was in charge of the glitter.  It still got all over.


This week we had 2 snowball fights during math time.  The first time the kids took a piece of scratch paper and wrote a math fact in the middle (with their initial), and then on the count of 3 we threw them into the air.  They then grabbed a new snowball, answered the math fact (with their initial), and wrote a new fact.  This kept going and going until the papers were full.  The next day we played it again, but instead wrote double digit numbers, with the students writing prime and composite next to them as they were tossed around.


I wanted to remind you that the giveaway from the Blog Hop is almost over!  Rafflecopter will be choosing a winner on Sunday!  


Last up - News News News!!!  We just got a phone call that my sister in law is being induced tonight.  She didn't want to find out the gender, so we are all anxiously waiting to hear pink or blue... In our small family we have 3 boys, and my brother in law has 3 boys…  Guess we'll see!!  

Hope you had a great day and an awesome week!


  1. The Math Snowball fight sounds like a lot of fun! I love when kiddos can get up move, have fun and enjoy learning! We need lots more of that! Wishing you family well and prayers for a safe and quick delivery! That's exciting!

  2. Oh I'm glad I read this! I think I saw your Instagram post on the snowball fight. I did a version of it in my class and wrote about it on my blog today but I couldn't remember from whom I saw the post! I will go back in a bit and give you due credit for your wonderful idea :)

  3. I love the snowball fight!! What a great way to review math facts!! I can't wait to try this!
    A Tall Drink of Water

  4. So exciting about your sister. Hoping for a girl for her. I have 3 boys and so does my brother. I know my mom really would have loved a granddaughter too. Enjoy your newest family member!

  5. How funny Emily! We had a snowball fight this week too! Living in Florida I felt sad for my students since the rest of America had a snow day this week! :) I can't wait to hear what your sister in law has!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching


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