January 5, 2014

Lesson Plans: Week of January 6th

Well, I guess vacation is basically over… Between a restful 2 weeks, a new washing machine, a nice Legoland trip, this weekend's FB Hop, and the massive giveaway from yesterday, I pulled out my plan book to see what I'm doing this next week because I couldn't remember...  I did prep stuff before vacation, just need to remember what exactly is ready to go!  Linking up my plans with Mrs. Laffin's Laughings!    

We are still working on our OCR Medicine Unit.  This story is called The Bridge Dancers.  It's about two girls who live with their mom in a backcountry area - their mom is the Medicine Woman of the area and while she goes off to help someone, the two girls get into some trouble.  The story introduces using natural remedies as medicine, so I like to bring in an aloe plant and some of my aloe gel as realia.  

We are starting a new read aloud this week - Stone Fox!  Love this story about determination.  It's a short one, so it should only take a week to really tackle it.  
Stone Fox Mini Pack
I have a free mini book pack if you need it! 

For Mentor Sentences we are reading The Three Snow Bears and focusing on complex sentences.  For those of you that aren't familiar with Mentor Sentences, Jivey explains it over on her blog (and I use her products).  

On Monday we are having a review day using my Mid Year Review Task Cards.  We will be playing scoot to review the concepts.
Mid Year Math Review Task Cards (Snowman)
The rest of the week we are finishing up Factors and Multiples.  Over break I found some great free resources that I'm excited to use that aren't winter/Christmas specific.
Factors & Multiples Football *Freebie*

Factors:  Multiples, Factors, Composites and Primes Game

Factors Multiples Prime and Composite Number Review

In Science we have reached our Earthquakes and Volcanoes unit.  A couple of years ago I found these things over on Pinterest that worked well. 

 Try Some Lava in a Cup - Science Bob

Mini Volcanoes: SCIENCE CLUB
Volcanoes and Earthquake Lapbook
We will need to make a lap book - This one is from imanshomeschool.  I really do love this unit! 

{FREE!} New Year's Activity Book

As for writing, this week we are using Blair Turner's New Year's Freebie to make goals, etc.  With coming back after vacation we review so much - rules, math skills, reading skills, making goals, etc… that I want them to write about it!  

I hope you have a great week!    


  1. Isn't it great that you had everything planned out before break so you could enjoy yourself? (Wish I had done the same thing! :)

    Thanks for linking up & have a great week!
    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  2. I love Stone Fox! I got to hear the author speak once. He said there are two kinds of people in the world - not rich and poor, not fat and thin, but those who read and those who don't. That became one of the things I always preach to students - Be people who read!


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a noreply-comment@blogger.com). Have a great day!