January 7, 2014

Rose Windows Art Project

In my haste to exit the classroom on that Friday before break, I forgot to take pictures of one of our latest art projects.  I love art projects in the classroom, I love how I can see students function away from paper and pencil, and have to follow different type of directions…. how they interpret steps 1 - 6…  It always amazes me how different the results can be depending on a child's mood, or scissor ability.  :)  

On that Wednesday before break, I was blessed to have a visit from our art docent.  My school has this awesome program that they invite parents to come in and create art with the kids.  The teacher is there as a helper, but the main instruction comes from the parent.  They connect the students with the greats, and then the kids interpret the designs into their own creation.  So my class made Rose Windows.  

My art mom presented this powerpoint.  It's below too.  Just a simple look at the beauty of stained glass windows.  

She spoke about how the windows in many historic buildings show the creative works of stained glass windows.  (The kids were in awe of the buildings themselves.)

 Then she took a deeper look at the construction of the window itself.  How it had an intricate design and the colors behind it.  She spoke of the symmetry...

Then it was time for the students to create their own rose windows.  Each student received a coffee filter and a black piece of construction paper.  They first had to trace the coffee filter onto the black construction paper (so they could have the right size later on).  Then the students had to color the entire filter with washable markers.  The ENTIRE thing had to be colored.  When they were done with that step they stepped over to the art mom and she sprayed the coffee filter with water (using a regular spray bottle).  It made the colors run together.  

At this step they put their filters down on their desks with a paper towel underneath, and started creating a snowflake on the black paper.  The black construction paper circle was first cut out, and then the folding, and intricate designs were cut out.  After the coffee filter dried, they put glue on the black paper snowflake, and laid their coffee filter on top to dry.  The final products are amazing!  

Hope this helps someone.  I personally think it's a great winter project since it involves a different look at snowflake art.  Linking up with Holly's Tried it Tuesday!


  1. Hi Emily! I feel like I know you know from Facebook. We used a similar technique (markers and water on coffee filters) to make jellyfish at the start of the year. It was a lot of fun for the kids. Your project looks great.

    Literacy Spark

  2. Your rose windows look great! I love that you have parents and art involved in your school-what a fantastic program! Is that something your school started?
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  3. These turned out great, Emily!! It is so true that it is interesting to see how students perform on an activity like this vs. pencil/paper activities. Thanks for linking up!
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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