January 22, 2014

Tried it Tuesday - Theme Cards

Well, I'm late to the party over at Fourth Grade Flipper!  I forgot to take a new picture of my theme card bulletin board yesterday and as we all know, a blog post without pictures is just kind of boring... As for my forgetfulness, I'm going to blame my aching legs, stuffy nose, and my desire to head home as soon as I possibly could move after school.

Near the beginning of the year I made these theme cards up for a ready reference for my students.  I shared them over on this post from August.  They have been over on this bulletin board since the beginning of the year.... 

After we read a book we had added it to a di-cut and stuck it up on the construction paper under the theme that it most tied in with... that is until I ran out of the cute little apples, and then I kind of forgot about the routine of adding books.  I was looking around at my bulletin boards yesterday morning and started thinking about making the space work for my class RIGHT NOW.  I wanted that leaf bulletin board for something else, so I took the cards down. 

I am really good about adding to ongoing charts when it's just a matter of having a pen or marker... so I switched what my students had added to these white construction papers, and then my class brainstormed our last unit as well.  The papers are just now taped onto the doors of one of my cabinets, still in the same carpet area as before.  I love how now there is no excuse for not adding the titles onto our lists.  I don't need dicuts or tape... just some markers.  My helpers could even add it up there when we brainstorm together.  

Do you use theme cards in your classroom?  How do you manage them?  

Hope you had a good day!    

1 comment:

  1. That looks fantastic!



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