February 7, 2014

Five for Friday - Minimum Day Excitement!

What a week!  What a day!  The kiddos left at 12:40 this afternoon.  I was ready for them to leave.  Love them, but I needed my afternoon to get stuff done.  After waiting for 15 minutes in the rain to be at my post for bus duty, I then had to finish up report cards.  Afterward I decided to tackle some tasks that have been sorely needing my attention.  Linking up with Doodlebugs to share my 5 for Friday - what kept me busy at school this afternoon!  

This area used to house all my community supplies.  I've always had community supplies, but lately the kids haven't been very respectful of them (for instance 2 boys were caught playing basketball with the markers today... they missed getting them back into the buckets...)  Anyhow, the supplies are now tucked away in my cabinet - and I will be in charge of checking them in and out when needed.  

I also disinfected the surfaces of the room.  

I cleaned up my cabinets...and pulled out materials for our next units. 

Next week's Hands On Math Rotation cards are up...  reviewing multiplication/division, and mode/median.  Fun times ahead.    

Then I went through and straightened up my classroom library, and pulled out books for my window sill of grab it books.  Do you do this too?  Have books out that the kids grab during silent reading time?  Tons of President books and Valentines....

I did get other stuff done, but it was just the basic Friday stuff - like planning, pulling out papers for next week, and updating the whiteboard.  I hope you had a good day!


  1. I so need to take some time to clean up my classroom - it is getting scary! I am glad that I am not the only one who has to deal with taking away supplies. Our dry erase marker situation is dire since they like to smash the tips inside - grrr!

  2. I stayed after school Friday to clean and reorganize too! Don't you just love when you can leave Friday knowing everything is in it's place! I'm interested in knowing more about what you do with your kiddos during your hands on math rotation.
    A Tall Drink of Water


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