March 21, 2014

5 for Friday!! Exciting News!!

Time to link up with Doodlebugs!  I am SO GLAD IT'S FRIDAY!  TGIF x100!!!

Did you see the newest Educents bundle?  It started last night and is all about Poetry.  Looking at it I was so happy to see many things I already have for my own classroom.  It's such a great deal at $10.99 (70% off) though, that I'll be buying it to get the other items too. 


The other day I used Ideas by Jivey's Idioms set in my classroom.  The kids have added idioms to our binders all year long (the posters are wonderful), and since it's close to progress reports I wanted to do a check in on the concept.  I used her matching sheets as a mini quiz to monitor progress.  The kids did great!  As they finished they grabbed an index card and made their own card that we added to our bulletin board.  Click any of the images above to head over to check out the bundle!

On Tuesday I shared about my Shopping Spree Pack.  Well winners have been chosen via Random Number App - turns out Crystal was a lucky winner's name!  For everyone else that was interested, I put the pack up on sale (saving $1.25) through the weekend.  

Fun moment this past Monday... The kids decorated hats for the leprechauns on Friday.  They colored a Styrofoam cup and then magic happened over the weekend.  (Shh, don't tell but the magic was me taking them home, sticking them in a 250/275 degree oven for a couple of minutes to make them shrink.)  My big kids' eyes were huge when they came in and saw them on Monday morning.

This week was also a BIG HUGE cookie kind of week.  I grabbed a tube of cookie dough and decided to make them at home.  It was a jumbo roll that I cut into 12 pieces.  6 made it onto the cookie sheet and I squished them with my palm before baking.  They were delicious warm with a scoop of ice cream on top.

Random photo op!  We had to get a new tire this past week - somehow the school parking lot caused a flat tire, so these buds came with me to wait.  Love my boys!!

Hope you had a great day!  


  1. First off, I love the family selfie ;), we just got my four year old the same car seat in pink, of course! She loves the cup holder...I love that she can buckle herself in! Also, I need more info about cooking Styrofoam! How did I miss this idea!??? It's awesome. I am also using the Idiom packet from Jivey and LOVE it! :)
    Pinkadots Elementary

  2. O.M.G.! Those little hats are precious. I saw them for the first time in one of our kinder rooms this week. I'm so doing that next year!

  3. I'm so glad you love the idioms pack! And those hats are such a great idea. I need to try that with my kids next year! :)
    ideas by jivey

  4. The hats are so cute! What an awesome idea!! I bought the poetry pack. Love the family pic!!


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