March 1, 2014

5 Random Things (including a Single Red Rose)

It's a double link up today!

The sale was magnificent.  I grabbed some out of this world products, and I felt so much support from you.  Thank you so much!  My sale is continuing on throughout the weekend for those shoppers that couldn't make it on the weekdays.  Bundles are also included!  

This week my class learned about the Gold Rush and we made paper dioramas depicting a Gold Rush scene.  Next week the kids will be writing their own narrative.  

My painted letters are up in the classroom.  Ribbon didn't work out the way I had hoped, so right now they are just leaning on my window sill where students (and myself) get a gentle reminder of our room's motto.

On Monday I was greeted with a single red rose from a student.  The kid happened to be one that I had to have quite a talk with a couple of weeks ago.  It was one of those head outside onto our porch to get to the crux of the matter types of talks.  I had to be extra tough...  Then I watched him try so hard the following week to do his best every single moment of the school day, so by that Friday before I gave him one of my  (Vistaprint) encouragement notes.  

Then he surprised me with the rose... 

This week with all the writing we have been tackling, we also were creating adventure stories (to focus on adding descriptions, details, and examples).  On Friday morning I put the kids into groups and they had to read their writing out loud.  My students are a shy bunch this year, so that alone was difficult for them (even though we have been with each other for 7 months).  After reading it out loud, they then received compliments from the other kids.  When everyone in the group was done, they headed back to their desks with their rough drafts to mark up their papers with a pencil, underlining all the details.  They absolutely loved this activity!  I loved being able to walk around and listen to them read their stories with pride.  

Have a great day!


  1. I love those blue TRY letters. Very motivating. :)
    Come Visit Readbox!

  2. That diorama is impressive - what a fun way to make learning engaging :)

    I love the postcard idea - that must have sent so much to your student and his parents. And that red rose is such a sweet gesture. It's these kind of things that help teachers get up in the morning :)

    Happy weekend, Emily!

    Joy in the Journey

  3. Those letters are SO cute! And I love your postcards. What great encouragement!
    Diving Into 2nd Grade

  4. I'm so glad you could reconnect with that child! The rose is so sweet!
    I use positve postcards too. My class really likes them.. they are all grins when they get one mailed home!

    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

  5. What a sweet student! Gotta love those moments when you feel like you finally reach them :)

  6. I love your TRY letters and your sweet story about the rose! You really touched his heart Emily! What a nice surprise! Very motivating! Thanks for sharing and linking up!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching


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