March 29, 2014

Deep Breath - Planning Ahead: Copies

I'm starting to feel anxious about the big to do list before school ends for the summer.  On Monday my back was aching so much so that it hurt to walk... move... sit... so I headed in to Massage Envy to get the knots out.  I had knots I didn't know even existed until the lady pushed on them.  I might have squeaked.  I also found out that Massage Envy had a teacher's discount (aka Corporate Discount) if you are looking into a membership.  The best part was handing over all my gift cards (I had 4 of them from Christmas - Love my parents, inlaws, and hubby for looking at my list), and realizing that they covered the 6 month membership fee.  Sweet deal!

What else?  Like I mentioned - my to do list for school is starting to really get long.  Field trip planning, sending off my copy masters, and figuring out what to preorder for next year... usually I tackle this after Spring Break, but since it's so late this year I have to do it pronto.  I like to plan ahead, and I like to know my papers are all organized going into the summer & next year.  It's not everything, but it's the majority of it.

How I figure out my copies is pretty simple, I try to think of everything I do throughout the year.  I get all my masters together and make a list.  There is a lot to say about the use of our time.  Our copy machine costs 6 cents per copy, Rizo costs 4 cents, but that involves our own paper.  To send it off to the school account means I have to plan ahead, but it's their paper and time that is being used and it's only 3 cents per copy.  The best part is that they get delivered to me in a nice, neat package.

I have 2 file cabinets in my room (8 drawers).  My drawers are:
*Odds and Ends/BTSN Paperwork
*Social Studies/Science
*District Reading Unit Assessments
*Math Standard Assessments & Weekly Story Assessments
*Rowley Math - Multiplication/Division Tests
*District Math Assessments & Per Standard Files
*Math, ELA Spiral, and Reading Skills 
*Weekly Reading Comprehension, Reading Log, Mentor Sentence Foldables, Read Aloud Graphic Organizers

What a relief to get that done now!  In the process of putting next year's copies in the cabinets I ended up pulling out the remaining copies for this year and realized there isn't that much left.  Happy Dance!  8 weeks - 3 weeks before Spring Break, 5 weeks after.  

Here's my list of stuff that I have copied and ready to go:

Quick Checks: 4th Grade Common Core Math

Quick Checks by Blair Turner

4th Grade Common Core Spiral Math Review {Year Long}
Monster Math by I Heart Recess
(Did this 1/2 page)

Reading Response Menus Across the Year {4th Grade CCSS-Aligned}
Reading Menus by 3rd Grade Thoughts
(Did this 1/2 page)

Common Core Weekly Reading Homework: 3rd-4th-5th Grade {Co

Spiral Language Review - Fourth Grade
Language Spiral by Ashleigh
(did this 1/2 page)

Mentor Sentence Interactive Language Arts Notebooks Bundle
(did this 1/2 page too)

California History Bundle (8 Products)
My CA History Stuff 

I also have our normal curriculum too.  :)  Have to have that!  

Hope you had a good day!  I'm just now starting to go through my TPT purchase folder and leave feedback on the things I picked up during the site sale.  I love getting those credits and putting them toward my purchases.  Then it's time for me to go shopping!  I added my store to the mix for this weekend sale.  My bundles are an additional 20% as well!  


  1. OMG...I'm not sure I could figure out my copies a year in advance. Kuddos to you for being so organized!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  2. I don't send a year's worth of copies, but I always send the packets I know that I will use in September and usually my first math unit out to our district copy center in June. I can't do it earlier because I'm never sure what classes I'll be teaching for the next year. Fortunately for us we are not "charged" for our copies so I don't have a limit amount. That would be really hard for me, especially when I find something new that I LOVE. You are amazingly organized. I wish I could do that!
    Have an awesome week my friend!

    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

  3. How nice to have a district printing center. Nothing like that exists at our school-we make our own copies. We have Reading Street and when I taught first grade they have 3 decodable readers per week. (30 weeks) I would go in during the summer and get the whole year's printed, folded, and stapled-it was so nice to be a little ahead of the game. :)


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