March 18, 2014

Shopping Spree! Working with Decimals

Well life happened. Can't believe it's been a week since I popped in on here. I have been taking pictures of what's going on, but have been so busy that there has been no time. 

Today in class my kiddos reviewed adding, subtracting, and rounding decimals. This past weekend I created this Shopping Spree activity on using grocery store items to work with decimals. Now each sheet usually has 4 cards, but I decided to print 4 sheets per page (16 cards total per sheet). It helped that the kids were able to easily find what they were looking for, as basically almost every activity needed those food cards! 

When I first made the copies I was thinking we would switch from activity to activity but then decided to have groups work together at the same time. I made 8 sets and tucked them inside file folders for the groups to tackle. 

Each group had to do 4 activities:
1. Add the 2 shopping lists that I gave them (I made these half pages as well to cut down on copies.) They had to find the sale price and the regular price of each object, and then find how much money they saved.
2. They needed to take 2 subtraction grocery lists and find the difference between the regular vs sale price if each object, and the total amount saved. Basically subtracting first before adding. 
3. They then did a rounding activity, rounding to tenths.
4. Then they each had a half sheet of binder paper and had to use the cards to come up with their own grocery list- adding as they went. 

Was it a success? Yes! Did I love those cards? Yup! The grocery sheets are now saved for another day. All their work is waiting in my school bag to correct when I'm feeling a little more motivated. So much grading lately! My mom says I assign too much work... I'm still working through grading everything from St. Patrick's Day.

I hope you had a good day. It was a tough afternoon, but I was able to come home to lots of cuddles from my own boys. They know exactly what their mama needs. 

Want to win a copy of my Shopping Spree pack? Just leave your email below and I'll choose 2 winners on Thursday night! 

Linking up with Tried it Tuesday!  


  1. Emily, I love all of the products I've purchased from your store and would LOVE to win this file. We are just finishing up fractions and decimals are next!! Hope to win =).

  2. Looks like a lot of fun for the students! We are just beginning fractions and decimals so this would make for a great culminating activity! You are so creative.

  3. Wow!! I would love to win this. Life happens and before we know it months have passed. This would make my life a little easier since we'll be working on this ina couple weeks. Thanks!!

  4. Thanks for the opportunity. I would love to win. Your kiddos are adorable! :)

  5. I'd love to win a copy! My kids just finished decimals so this would be a great center to review!
    Thank you!

  6. We are just starting decimals so this would be perfect! Hope I win!

  7. Emily, this is such an awesome activity. I LOVE that it is real life math, and the students can easily see the connections of how they will use decimals in real life.

  8. Awesome activity!! Looks like the kids had fun. I'd love to win it!

  9. That looks like such a blast!!! We are starting decimals in just a few short weeks!

  10. This looks awesome! My class starts decimal operations next week!

  11. This is awesome. I know my students would love to have this activity to practice those skills, and I love the real world application. Thanks for offering to give one away!


  12. I would love to give this a try. This is my first year teaching decimals!

  13. This looks like lots of fun!


  14. Congrats to Crystal and Crystal (#8 and #12) for winning the Shopping Spree pack!

  15. Thank you for sharing your hard work! This will be so fun!

  16. Looks like a great unit for decimals with real life application!


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a Have a great day!