April 25, 2014

Spring Break Five for Friday

I have loved spring break- a chance to get away and relax.

This year we took the boys to Pismo again, it's a favorite place. 

We had so much fun.  Played at the dinosaur park, went to the children's discovery museum, had old fashion ice cream sandwiches at a little place called Batch, played on the beach, went shopping, had the traditional breakfast of cinnamon rolls, and I finished a book.  Now we're home and have a couple of days to tackle the projects around the house . 

I am so blessed to be their mama.  
Hubby is steam cleaning our downstairs carpets, and I'm washing all the curtains. We all worked on clearing the clutter from the surfaces so we can see the actual wood of the tables.  The boys will be planting our garden tomorrow, and we're meeting up with my sister in law (and baby niece) at the zoo.  Only 5 more school weeks until this relaxation is the norm. 

I did "work" a little this break- I started some math puzzles for my class.  They aren't uploaded yet, but I have place value, rounding, and adding/subtracting larger numbers covered.  Math is forefront on my brain since I had to also go and pick up my brand new teacher editions at the IMC.  
NEOPlex Student Laptop Dry Erase Marker Board - Set of 30
I also got a few packages delivered this week for next year - a class set of 5 gallon tubs (new textbook tubs for under their desks), and 60 sparkly student size whiteboards.  Now I just have to find a place to store them at school since there is NO ROOM in our garage.  

Sorry for so much rambling - my brain is going a million miles a minute...

Make sure you check back tomorrow, my BBB's have joined forces with tips, freebies, and a giveaway. 

Linking this all up with Doodlebugs and her famous Five for Friday linky party!  

Hope you had a great day!  

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