May 22, 2014

Behavior Bracelet and Bookmark Beads Building Day

Today was the behavior bracelet and bookmark beads building day. At the beginning of the year I told them that they would earn 1 or 2 beads per week depending on behavior. Then I had to follow through with it. 

So all year long I have been collecting beads in this gigantic bead box. 32 spots, every kid had their own space. Today I pulled their beads out and put them into little bathroom cups and they made their own design on the plastic lacing. 

I don't know if I will do it again next year. Making bracelets and bookmarks were fun today- and the kids LOVED it, but it was a headache all year to manage. Sitting on the floor made it a quiet task and beads didn't go flying. Just my thoughts.

Sorry the last picture is a little blurry - the kid decided to move after posing..  :)  
So many wiggles with only 5 more days of school!  


  1. Maybe do it every quarter. May be easier to manage

  2. Great idea! Could you make it one of your classroom jobs each week?
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans


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