June 28, 2014

Five for Fraturday


Linking up late with Doodlebugs to share moments from this past week.  Totally random, and nothing related to school.  :)  

I sang again on Sunday morning.  Held a microphone and wasn't as scared as I've been in the past.  In real life I'm pretty shy and most definitely an introvert. Being on a stage and singing has always been extra scary, but it's something I've always wanted to do.  I love to worship!   

We bought new couches on Monday.  They aren't delivered yet - but I'm so excited!  Brown leather recliners...and yes, those are cup holders on the loveseat.  We haven't told the boys yet that they recline, it's going to be fun when they are delivered.

My youngest got a professional hair cut.  It was once again traumatic - I ended up having to hold him on my lap, getting covered by hair.  When does it stop being so hard?  I really don't remember with my older boys... now they LOVE getting hair cuts, and are at the age of caring how their hair looks.

My older boys went to 3 days of Cub Scout Day Camp (Wed- Fri).  So much fun!  I dropped them off at 8:15am, picked up at 5 pm.  They did so many different activities - sports, whittling, building, engineering, map & compass, BB guns, archery, cooking, etc.  Every night there were tons of stories. I loved the peace and quiet around the house.  I actually had time to just read...  :)

Baby Shower last night!  After having 3 boys, I absolutely love shopping for baby girls.  There's something about pink...  My friend and I filled this tote box with gifts - the basics that we found helpful as moms.  Dreft detergent, diapers (on bottom), wipes, diaper cream, teethers, toys, washcloths, a mommy hook, shampoo, pacifiers, and pacifier holder.

Well, that's it for here!  Over on FB we have grade level pen pal and Skype partners forming up.  We also have postcard exchange groups.  Head to my main FB page and check it out - the place is hopping!  

Have a great day!

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