June 2, 2014

Monday Made It and Meet Up - My Friend Holly

I'm linking up with The Teaching Tribune to share about my friend Holly.  Holly is the blogger behind Fourth Grade Flipper.  

Holly is also the brains behind Tried it Tuesday.  Here are 3 of her most popular posts:

She also has a FB page, and TPT store - Make sure to stop by and say hi! 

I also wanted to link up with Tara today for her Monday Made It!  I've been busy in the classroom, but it's actually my backyard rain gutter garden that I want to show off today.  Things are growing! 

We planted zucchini and strawberries in this contraption during Spring Break, but the birds started grabbing up the berries.  It's always some animal, right?  In past years my puppy ate it, that's why we brought it up high this year.  

So I painted up some ladybug/red rocks that I threw in there to fool the birds and it seems to be working.  

I told hubby that I wanted it high up on the fence, so he screwed it to the fence posts.  Then for more reinforcement in the middle section we wrapped wire around it and stapled to the top of the fence.  Then (because I have a tendency to forget to water), he added a drip system to it.  

  I love fresh fruit and veggies!  Have a great day!  


  1. Love the rain gutter garden! What an awesome idea. I'll have to try that! Is the zucchini too large for it?

    What I Have Learned

  2. Very creative gardening! I could totally go into business with Holly in the coffee shop!
    Have a great week!
    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

  3. Thank you for the shout out, BBB! Coffee shop owner...haha! I love it!!
    Those ladybug stones are a great idea and I'm surprised that they are working to keep the birds away!

    I read your post below too and you are on a roll for getting work done already. We have access to our rooms over the summer (except for one week when they are waxing). It's a blessing and a curse. I can get work done but I go in a lot at night after the kids go to bed and stay until 11:30 pm when the maintenance leaves. I feel like I'm always working! Enjoy your break...countdown on day "H" tomorrow for me. :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  4. Loving the cute rain gutter garden! Thanks for linking up with for Monday Meet Up!
    from Well, Michelle?


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