July 16, 2014

What is your Mascot?

Over the past 14 years I have taught in 4 different elementary schools.  3 of those elementary schools have had eagles as our mascot.  Over the years I have developed a fondness for the great bird.  I feel that Eagle pride.

Photo from Google Images
Isaiah 40:31 also has been my life verse... "But those that hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will rise up on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  Sounds nice, right?  All these years of teaching make me tired at times... I still love it, but there are moments that I need to remember that I am like an eagle - the need to rise up over the negative circumstances.

All that said, I decided to make up some posters for my classroom with eagles.  I want my students to take that Eagle pride and run/fly with it.  These started out as something just for my room, but then last night I realized that there are so many others out there with the same mascot.       

This contains 4 areas of posters...
Classroom Rules
Character Pillars
Healthy Habits
Journal and Brainstorm Pages

All 36 pages are listed over on the TPT description.

So what is your mascot?  Could this pack help you?  Leave a comment below with your email address and I'll choose two people to win it on Friday afternoon.  

Have a great afternoon!  


  1. Our school's mascot is the eagle as well! I also have a fondness for them!
    Second Grade is Out of This World!

  2. my school mascot is the bluejay! alewis725@msn.com

  3. Our school mascot is the eagle also. We are a PBIS school and also incorporate the 7 Habits of Happy Kids into our classrooms. Your pack would enhance and add to what I'm trying to teach and instill in my students. I love your character pillars and healthy habits - they would lead to some great discussions! I also like how you're incorporating writing into this with the student journals. Great job - I'd love to win :-) JWtchr@comcast.net

  4. Our school mascot is the tiger cub! When students leave us in 5th grade they become Eagles at the middle school. mrsruffin924@gmail.com

  5. My school mascot is the Eagles too. It will be my first year at this school, so I'm starting all over again! kobenauer@aol.com

  6. I love this! Our school mascot is the bobcat. We are always working on our character traits and Bobcat Pride! saraou89@hotmail.com

  7. Such a cute idea! Our mascot is the wolves. kellys3ps@sbcglobal.net

  8. We are the eagles too! I love the idea of the journal pages...maybe kids could write about what it means to "be an eagle". Plus, the eagle is super cute! :)


  9. Winners! #3 and #5 - J Wilson and Kimberely - I'm emailing you right now! :) Congrats!

  10. Great resource! I only wish my school mascot was an eagle right now haha. We are the knights :) I love the idea about using them for journal writing by the way. Awesome thought.



I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a noreply-comment@blogger.com). Have a great day!