September 6, 2014

Simplifying Read to Self

For years I have used a modified version of Daily 5 in my classroom.  They have options for the other 4, but for Read to Self we do it together directly after lunch.  Every year I let the kids sit on the ground to get comfortable for Read to Self.  This year I decided not to after that first day of school when they were absolutely silent at their desks... It was so peaceful and calm.  No kids were off task.  Everyone was able to easily be seen, so I decided to keep that as the standard.

 Monday through Thursday the kids stay at their desks unless they are switching out their books.  On Fridays that changes and students can have "Friend Friday" (partner reading) or "Flashlight Friday" (by themselves under their desks).  Yes, I like alliterations.  This little switch is making me a happier teacher.  

Another thing that I've added this year is allowing my students to bring their devices from home.  They can't read on their phones (though they have asked me if they could), but they can have their Kindles, Nooks, and iPads for reading only.

If they wanted to bring it in, they had to have their parents sign the permission slip.  If you want a copy of it, it's over on Google Docs.

Hope you have had a great day!  In other news, my Facebook page is about to hit 3,000 likes.  I know... Wow!  I picked up a $25 TPT gift card that I will be giving away over there when we hit the magic number.  Stay tuned!


  1. I introduced Flashlight Friday and my kids ate it up! There were so many groans when I turned the lights on. I told them that they could only read for as long as our stamina was so hopefully that will help push them to increase their stamina Monday-Thursday!

    Swinging for Success
    Follow me on Facebook!

  2. I love alliterations too! I love your Daily 5 adjustments, that's what I love about the program, you can make it fit your needs and it is always effective!


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