November 24, 2014

Comprehension Cootie Catchers

This week I wanted to share what I'm thankful for in the classroom.  One thing I tried this year are these cootie catchers from Runde's Room.  She has them for both Math and Reading/ELA.  My kiddos are at the age that they love cootie catcher anything, so it's a win win. 

My kids use them on a weekly basis on Thursdays to help review whatever skill we are working on.  The reading comprehension ones I copied on colored paper, and passed them out the 2nd week that I introduced the concept (the first week we are writing about them in notebooks and making anchor charts).  The colored paper helps me to keep them organized by strategy, and I can easily tell from a distance that kids are using them (instead of pulling out their own ones from their backpacks).     

I reuse them too.  They go into a labeled plastic shoebox, all 16 of them (1 per partner group) fit inside.  I'm sure that I will need to eventually make more copies of them, but in the meantime they are working out great - and since we don't use every single one every single week they are lasting.

Great motivation!  I highly recommend them!

Cootie Catcher Comprehension

Have a wonderful day!

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