February 12, 2015

Heart Animals

Isn't it amazing what you can do with the heart shape?  On Fridays I like to do some kind of art project after all our tests, so last week I had my sub have the kids create Heart Animals.  It started out with a simple google search.  

Yep, I even took a screen shot of what I saw.  Tons of animals... then I made some samples up, and brought them to school so the kids could get some ideas.  

Look what I was greeted with when I arrived at school!  We have our own zoo on the pocket chart!  

The animals all started out the size of a quarter sheet of construction paper.  From there my 4th graders could make the hearts, and turn them into whatever creation they could imagine.  I pulled out the googly eyes for them to create with as well.  So much fun!

I know we are all about the standards, and I know that many places teachers aren't allowed to have fun anymore... but I really believe that kids are kids, and a Friday afternoon is a good time to work on following directions and creating art.  ;)  Today I needed my pocket chart back, so the kids had the option to take them home, or donate them to the local nursing home for the annual Valentine's Day party.  The kids all wanted to make someone smile.  :)  

Hope you got some animal ideas!  

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