March 3, 2015

Rocking the Shamrocks!

It's that time of year again... shamrock time!  Last year I had the kids create them and write 3 reasons they are "lucky".  This year I had them add some examples of personification onto the leaves.  

Here's how we made them... one piece of 9x12 construction paper folded into fourths.  Then we did the final fold and cut out a heart shape.  2 hearts were glued point to point, then the other 2 were glued on to fill in the final shape (all points toward the middle).  The extra green construction paper was then used to cut out a stem.

Here are some pictures from last year:

I used the personification foldable from Jivey's mentor sentence foldable and had them glue the sentences on top before they had to draw a literal example of it.  

Have a wonderful day!

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