March 23, 2015

Testing Time - Little Brainiacs

We have started getting into Test Mode.  Reviewing everything, including strategies to help us do our best on the upcoming tests.  I found these adorable FREE heads over on TPT from Twinkl Printable Resources, and decided to have my kids create their own little brainiacs to help them remember the key things.  

My kids helped me brainstorm some important things to remember during a test - Reread directions, Pay attention, Take our time, get a good night's sleep, etc..  Then I passed out a piece of construction paper (I chose yellow because that's what I had a lot of to make it pop on the wall - able to see their writing and drawing), and then a half size girl or boy head.  The download has a lot of options, I just chose one girl and one boy that I made copies of.  

After they decorated their head to resemble themselves, I had them cut it out, and then glue it on the middle of the paper.  They then added a t-shirt below and wrote a positive message (I can do it, Believe in yourself, Don't give up, etc).  

Here's what my board looked like... 

Here are some of their creations.  All these little brainiacs are staring at us from the wall.

I hope this helps you!  The kids loved it, and it was a good review of what is important.

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