May 5, 2015

Open House 2015

I wanted to share some pictures from Open House last Thursday - warning, there was a food theme going on:

California Pillows - smaller version than in past years.  I just used 12 x 18 white construction paper folded in half and drew the basic outline for the kiddos.  They filled in the main topics on the front of CA, and there's a summary on the back.  

My students created a Book Buffet for their book reports (project from The Peanut Gallery) - I have no counters in the classroom though, so we had them all over the place.  In the back I had our Synonym Rolls and on the math wall they created Math Clocks with 12 topics we studied this year (the hands are pointing to their 2 favorites).  

Here's an up close view of the Synonym Rolls with my "cookie sheets".

We created Smores Inferences from Deb Hanson.  They were the perfect size to put on our pocket chart.  

Once again - here's my Earth Day board.  They kids still LOVE to show off their Agamographs by Jenny K.

On the back wall you can see those cupcakes - those were our Mini Biography Books.  Then we had our Self Portraits with our Braille names underneath.  Hanging were our Rainbow Goals for 3rd trimester, and our Theme Kites.  The kids separated out a square into 8 triangles, each triangle had a different theme we have learned about this year, complete with a definition and picture.  They are glued onto colored card stock with a crepe paper tail.  

We also had a board with Me Books, but since the kids' pictures are on the front I can't post it.  :)  Each Me Book was created out of 2 pages folded off center to create a flip book.  The kids had to write an Opinion paragraph, an Informative, and a Narrative - all about them! Super fun to read their writing.  

Under the board was our Best Part of the Year Ice Cream Sundaes.  The kids wrote their favorite thing they learned in each of the subjects.  

Hope you like it!  I had many kids stop by (not all from my class either).  Isn't it great to get those past students that just needed to stop by for a hug?!  :)  That made my night!  Also met some 3rd graders that were eager to check out what 4th graders do.

Do you love Open House?  Hate it?  
(Click the picture to visit my store.)  Have a great night!  

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