June 12, 2015

Five for Friday: A Bunch of Randomness

Five for Friday with DoodleBugs?  Sure!

ONE:  Solar Lantern
My oldest is going on his first backpacking camping trip this weekend - leaving in approx. 55 minutes with his Boy Scout Troop.  This time around he has to carry not only his backpack, but also all his food for the weekend, plus his patrol tarp & big water jug, AND his walking stick.  I can barely carry it all, and he's only 11.  When they were going over the reminders last night, they were mentioning about the possibility of bears, definitely to wear a mosquito headnet, and other odds & ends... I kept thinking that I was sending my baby off to be eaten alive.  Most likely he will come back acting even older and less like my little boy.

TWO - My Class Conference Binder
Well my binder has been cleaned out yet again.  This was the best thing I put in a binder a few years ago... just 32 binder dividers - one section per kid, with classroom numbers that can be used from year to year.  I just stick binder paper in the sections as the year progresses and I need more room.  Keeps everything organized.

THREE - Black Out Curtains
My sons have this thing of waking up before God himself wants anyone out of bed.  Every summer we say that we need to get black out curtains to "pretend" it's still the middle of the night, and we finally put them up in their rooms.  It is pitch black in them in the middle of the day.  This mama can sleep in a while longer...

FOUR - Adhesive Ribbon
I picked up the value 24 pack of these ribbons at Michaels and have been having fun prettying up my home and next year's lesson planner.  Life is good with ribbon!

FIVE - Reading to Read
I've been reading both fiction and nonfiction so far this summer.  Staying up way too late until my eyes can't see straight.  It's been wonderful!  What are you reading these days?

Hope you have had a great week!

1 comment:

  1. What a great day! My son is 12 and I cannot imagine sending him on a camping trip, but I bet he would LOVE it. Hoping your son has an amazing time. Your book list is similar to mine (which keeps growing). Have fun reading!


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