June 24, 2015

TPTSellersChallenge: Dare to Dream

I'm linking up once again with the #TPTSellersChallenge, this week is to share (via blogging) what our dreams are regarding our stores' success.

So... My Dreams:

1.  I want to get out from all this debt.  3 kids = debt.  I want to not have a car payment, or a credit card payment every month.  I want to not be scared of the PG&E bill in the summer months.  I want to know that we will stay in the black every single month.  TPT definitely helps to pay the bills every single month.

2. Savings - This was one of the main reasons I started TPTing.  To pad our savings account.  These days we sigh and say, "What savings?"  Our rainy day fund has already run dry this summer with the need for 4 new tires and a new dryer on the first day of summer break.  I want to be able to know that we will be able to retire when it's time to retire.  I want to be able to know that we can help others. We'll someday build it back up.

3.  College x 3 is looming toward us... at least we still have 7 years to go before we start that ride!  My oldest is already 11... the past 11 years have zoomed by, and month by month we have been able to put money away in their college accounts.  Hopefully we will be able to afford their textbooks when it's time!  I dream that TPT will be able to help pad those accounts as well.  

4.  VACATION!  I love vacations with my family, and we are blessed to have our parents invite us along on family trips.  I dream of the day that we can do that as well.  I would love to be able to take a Disney cruise, or travel the paths of Jerusalem, or stop by the Eiffel tower, or wander around Rome.  Someday...

So THANK YOU for helping my dreams to come true by all your support over on TPT.  


  1. Great goals! I understand the fear of looking at the energy bill. Summer in the south is not nice to the bank account. I hope to take a nice vacation as well some time. Glad I found your blog through the challenge.

    Kinder Kraziness

  2. Your goals sound a lot like mine--haven't posted yet. I completely understand the depleted savings. We had a number of things come up this Spring!

    Teaching Little Miracles

  3. I hear ya with 3 kids = debt. We are in the same boat we also new 4 new tires, pay for premier soccer for one and travel baseball for another. I am hoping TpT will bring some much needed relief too. Good Luck with your store!

  4. Emily, I SOOOO feel ya on the bills aspect! I'm so glad that I've been able to add a little bit on money into our account most months, thanks to TPT! Also, who ever made me think a car payment was ok? Never again! Haha! So glad I found your sweet blog!

    True Life I’m a Teacher


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